Further Reading

Monday 10 December 2012

Countdown to 21.12.12 - 11 Days

Countdown to the 'End Of Time' 
... 11 days and counting to the supposed end of time. With the apparent end of time myth so close to being so easily dis-proven (We DID survive after this date!) ... there were so many clear signs that something WAS happening. Changes were afoot. The 100th Monkey Syndrome was having an effect. The seemingly innocuous and insignificant human experiencing awakening after coming out of their 'Somnabulistic State' (Spiritual Ignorance) was making a difference. Each time one soul became aware of their True Self calling to them to face their Shadow Self, the light became brighter. The effect of the Toxins being fed to our physical bodies didn't matter anymore. For when consciousness became reconnected to the physical flesh it meant 'THEY' had lost hold of another spark. The war wasn't over, not by a long way ... but the glamours of The Shadow Self was at least being noticed.

But for so many ... their weakness was ignorance. It was witnessed at that time, of 11 days to The End Of Time, that EGO was running amok. It was ruining the progress of so many. There were so many who exhibited noticeable changes in their character and their actions due to FALSE EGO. It was running amok and affecting their judgement. For these hapless souls it meant The Shadow Self was winning. 

It was a sad thing to witness. Friends turning against friends. Colleagues ridiculing and opposing colleagues through 'green eyed monster' syndrome. Established relationships were breaking down. It had been an endless stream of tension throughout 2012 ... but at this time it began to become even more evident. 

The darkness before the dawn was proving to be a desperate plight across quick sand for so many. Those who were aware of this plight stood still ... calm and composed. Sadly watching those who panicked being sucked into the quick sand ... their consciousness consumed by their fears, and their inability to see their true selves. 

And ... for those not overly consumed by the Shadow Self attack ... the vibrational shift was proving to be a wondrous thing. Dimensions were beginning to overlap and become in sync like never before. Communications and concepts were clearer, stronger ... clarity now were once before it was an occasional insights. Regularity and clockwork communions with dimensions seemingly too far away to touch. A daily occurrence was the 3-D reality was merging so easily with 4-D and 5-D. 

The so called 'angelic realm' of 'helpers' seen for what they truly were ... masqueraders and inhibitors. Representatives of the mid-vibration that stood in the way of progress for the evolving minds. The minds that were returning back to where they once were before the arrival of the masqueraders. The Angelics were nothing more than parasites making minds dependent on their connections. Feeding glamours to the ignorant much like candy to the needy baby. Once seen for what they truly were, it was easy to pass beyond their influence and feel the true vibrational shift ... not the flossy glossy one that the angelic broadcasts had the ignorant believe was going on!  

It was indeed proving to be a worthy time to be born. The experience of lifting vibrations was euphoric. No pity could be permitted for those that were being left behind. It was not their time to overcome the restraints of The Shadow Self. It was not their time to truly embrace their True Selves. It was not their time to accept and embrace The Light Of Truth ...