Further Reading

Friday 7 December 2012

Countdown to 21.12.12 - 14 Days

Countdown to the 'End Of Time'
... 14 days and counting to the supposed end of time ... that's right, you read it right, TWO WEEKS until the Mayan End Times! Two weeks ... according to the gullible fools out there who've bought the myth hook, line and sinker we won't make it to Xmas 2012 ... 

Funny. How naive can people be? How easily people permit fear to take away their freewill ... how easy they fall for fables. But, is it is a fable? That's the BIG question here ...

What IS going to happen on 21.12.12 ...? My own personal viewpoint, in my own reality at this precise moment ... as I listen to classic rock playing through my speakers on a relaxed Friday night ... is that NOTHING will change. We'll all reach 21st December 2012 with a little trepidation. Then we'll wake up on the morning of 22nd December 2012 .... and find nothing is different in our 3D reality ... 

Nothing apparent ... nothing according to our five senses ... nothing to report in our five sensory reality. 21.12.12 is a man made date after all. And it is based on a time system completely different to the Mayans ... so how can that date be pinpointed as such a cataclysmic event as the end of the world? Will a higher force look down and think 'ok, lets end planet earth on 21.12.12' ... ?? Has it been pre-ordained ... or is it a mighty hoax added into human folklore to stir up the natives and make them part with some more collective fear ... so the 'drive through phantoms' can feed on us a little more??? 

It's funny, being a sensitive and an intuitive, I know SOMETHING is occurring. Collectively mankind is being adjusted genetically, mentally and emotionally. There is a clear push and pull going on. We are being changed by something or someone. But as in most things on this silly plane of existence, there are contrasts and opposing forces ... and just as I know there is 'one mighty force of good' attempting to lift our consciousness to where it should be ... there is also a mighty bad force pulling us back ... we are involved in a game of tug of war as the rope pulled in opposite directions by cosmic forces.

I sense the fear and trepidation which is building in our collective consciousness. I see all the obvious changes to the earth's ecosystem ... and know something significant is taking place. Something that 'they' do not want us to know about. They are most surely creating one huge diversionary tactic to hide something of great magnitude. I suspect an immense planetary body IS out there ... I have documented proof collected personally a few years back that indicates something of immense magnetic pull is influencing the earth's magnetic fields. I refer to 'The Crossing' that the ancients report in their legends and surviving texts. Some call it Wormwood ... Nibiru ... Planet X .... YES, I believe strongly it exists and is out there. Too much has appeared on the net from all around the world to support this return. Including my own photographs captured back in 2003/2004 ... 

I also sense the incredible expectation of something of a huge significance spiritually taking place ... I fear many are going to be bitterly disappointed when the so called channellings and inspired writings are found to be inaccurate. There is an event taking place, yes ... and it is lifting our perceptions ... but I do not buy into the flossy, glossy stuff. No angels are out there lifting us up. No ascended masters attuning us. Nothing of these natures are involved in this ... that's my reality anyway. I am one to deal with evidence, facts ... and things put to me in a way I can grasp and really understand. I see the period we are venturing into as a 'computer upgrade' or the eradication of a some 'bad bytes on a computer hard drive' ... our holographic reality is somehow being updated and upgraded so we can collectively function more like we are supposed to do. 

I do believe our genetics have been tampered with in our past ... intentionally to de-evolve us and make us partial to mind control and herding. I do believe the R Complex and the Left Hand Brain function is the addition ... designed to lock us into this stupid reality. At one time I do perceive we were effectively all right brain hemisphere. The manipulation involved the tampering with our DNA too ... scientists have found evidence of such tampering in our DNA plus signs of another series of instructions infused into our DNA which are not 'of human origin' ... which suggests our DNA is similar too other non-human DNA strands out there in the universe somewhere ....

Somehow this DNA manipulation has to be reversed in order for mankind to return to its true state of evolution as a free race not imprisoned on a slave world where we ALL serve a merciless race that somehow thinks it owns us ... I say ALL yes ... because even the small percentage of 'blueblood' families serve an agenda that is not their own. No human is truly free ... we are all prisoners on this god forsaken world ... its time even the bluebloods realised that and refused the traditions that shape them into hosts for a horrendous race to control this planet from outside of our frequency range ...

This shadow race are well recorded in ancient texts. The Emerald Tablets warn us of these beings that appear as men but are not men. 

It's time for Mankind as ONE to break from the shackles and overthrow a race that is shit scared of us finding out about them ...!

May this be what the End Of The World represents ... the beginning of the age of light when these arseholes are seen for what they are. No more corners or hosts for them to hide themselves away in. No places to hide for these demented creatures. Let's hope its the time that our frequency ranges go well beyond the inter-dimensional frequencies on which they exist. They appear to have de-evolved us to a frequency range in close proximity to theirs, but lower than theirs. Much like a solar eclipse ... their frequency blocks out the frequency where we are meant to be ... meaning their frequency stands in our way ... the doorway to the light exists at a frequency higher than theirs ...

Effectively I maybe describe the relationship between the earth, the moon and the sun. Whereby the earth represents the lower frequency we exist on. The moon represents the slightly higher frequency the arseholes exist on ... and the sun is our true frequency. By placing themselves in our orbit they effectively can control/prevent our perception of the sun. They can also occasionally block out our true frequency completely ... solar and lunar eclipses ...

Profound thinking I know ... but I'm in inspiration mode ...

So yes ... I await 21.12.12 with some reservation. 22.12.12 will be a strange day ... anti-climax day maybe. But it will be a strange day. It will exist. I do not anticipate that it won't. But on what frequency will we find ourselves? Will we know any different? I know personally that our frequencies have been lifting consistently through 2012 ... that's what all the shit throughout the year has been all about. The higher the frequency, the harder it is to hold negative emotions. That's why this year has been the year it has been ... with so many negative and extreme emotions worn on the sleeves of so many ....