Further Reading

Monday 3 December 2012

Countdown to 21.12.12 - 17 Days

Countdown to the 'End Of Time' 
... 17 days and counting to the supposed end of time. A handful of days into December 2012 meant that for some their perceived reality was really beginning to change. Mortal reality became suddenly 'different'. Those extremely sensitive individuals were seeing the overlapping dimensions more readily, as the frequency of the Mortal Plane was lifting much closer to the frequencies of the other dimensions.

Clearly defined light forms were being perceived regularly each and every day by these sensitives, as their awareness of the holographic realities was changing, becoming more attuned ... and as the frequency of their physical bodies began to speed up ... physical sleep became more and more difficult to achieve ... 

The awareness of 'shape-shifting' became much more profound at this time. 

I, personally,had the strange experience of a shape-shifter during a Skype consultation at the beginning of December 2012. Initially I was very dismissive of the phenomenon, accepting my analytical brain's explanation that it was a poor internet connection merely causing distortion on the visual image of my client on my I Phone. My client first appearing to have a spiralling morphic field of energy where her face and head had been moments before. The screen then turned momentarily green ... before I started witnessing my client's face with the appearance of white paint on her left side.

Then my client's appearance went back to normal, and I didn't witness any more strange phenomenon until after the next 'green screen' ... more morphic field phenomenon ... then my client's face became completely covered in white face paint  ...

Moments later my client's face took on the appearance of a burns victim with bad skin legions in various areas of her face!!!

It was only when I was able to confirm that the late relation I had been communicating with earlier in the consultation had been known to use white face paint and had also been badly burnt in a house fire that I realised the implications of the phenomenon I had witnessed!!!

My awareness of 'shape-shifting' was further intensified a few days later when I was in the company of several clients and I couldn't help but notice that one client had distinctive black markings around both of her eyes. I at first was dismissive of the phenomenon, figuring it was merely a trick of the light or a shading caused by poor lighting. But, the black markings remained on her face even when she moved away from where she was sitting. I could clearly see that the blackening was an area of her skin which had been somehow transformed or 'shifted' ... it was really not imagination or a trick of the light ... !

Another client's eyes at the same time could be seen to be changing rather strangely. Again, no trick of the light ... but perhaps further evidence of the changing perceptions associated with a lifting of vibration. With our perception changing, and the vibrations lifting, it was becoming possible to see things that had been outside of our limited frequency range prior to the vibrational adjustments taking place ...