Further Reading

Wednesday 12 December 2012

The Chemtrail Debate

By accepting that chemtrails actually exist, opens the way for the big question mark ... Why? What are they really? There is no official admission to their existence, but there is overwhelming evidence they do exist.

Our skies are so different to the skies over the 80's and 90's. it has become a fact of life.

And it is obvious their origins and purpose are malevolent to say the least. Otherwise the powers that be would admit to them. The media blackout is the most ominous sign that chemtrails are not for the good of mankind.

So what is the purpose of chemtrails?

I was researching the Nordic World Serpent the other day. Don't ask me to spell it's name here. I can't remember! Jormungandar or something like that. The vision of a snake wrapping itself around the earth. A perfect description of chemtrails. Maybe. Maybe not. But whatever it means ...chemtrails are a control mechanism. They are made from dangerous pollutants. And are being dispersed onto humans, animals, vegetation, food crops ...and are having a detrimental effect.

They are a deliberate and malevolent intention. An act of aggression against all things living on Planet Earth.

I saw a vision of Earth becoming like Mars with vegetation and life stripped from the surface of the world.

I sensed terraforming and an attempt to change our weather and bio-systems..

It doesn't look good for Planet Earth in the next few decades unless something is done to stop the force behind chemtrails.