Further Reading

Saturday 22 December 2012

What Is To Come Part 1

The Light Of Truth
Copyright Matthew James
Now we are post-21.12.12 ... things are really going to hot up vibrationally. The dimensional doorway has swung open wide ... and those sensitives who have woken and have passed 'the truth test' can now wander through.

Be prepared, however, for an etheric body detox. Emotions out of synce. Body sugars & mineral intake out of sync. Dehydration. Sore neck and sinuses. Tiredness. Anger. Sadness. Insomnia ...

There will be a time of great awakening for those coming out of their somnambulist state ...

NO wonder there is such a high influx of 'psychic workers' at this time ... awakening and trying to hit the ground running. It will not be their time yet ... they must be prepared adequately for 'the truth test' .... walking through too soon will develop an over weighted ego ... for it can only be TRUE selves that can make the dimensional shift ...

Those spiritual travellers born in the period 1955 - 1965 ... have been acclimatised for the coming changes. There are many, many of the leaders & teachers, of the coming transformation, within the thousands of souls who were born in this period ... and have chosen 'the harshest experiences' path way ... and have spent four or five decades in pain and sorrow; their lives seemingly never going right; keeping to the shadows; finding the glamours of materialism to be very painful; always finding the worst experiences to be their lives experiences. They have gained understanding - 2012 giving clarity and comfort. They have been primed for the next decade ... and have been prepared for what is to come - Matthew James 22/12/12