Further Reading

Monday 14 January 2013

2013 - The Assimilation Of The True Self part 1

Something stirs! I somehow knew we wouldn't have to wait that long for transformative energies to awaken again. I've become aware in recent days that the light is shining once more. When it does, the accursed ones seem to loom once more out of the shadows; manifesting here on the earth plane as those bitter foes - JEALOUSY, ENVY, MALICE, GREED - like foot soldiers they are beginning to oppose the bearers of the light of truth once more.

It is sadly reminiscent of the early part of 2012 when the childish 'gut botherers' were practising their skullduggery last time around.

Maybe this time it will only be a short term thing. No matter ... the journey that lies ahead, for me personally, is very much a guarded thing this time round. I have revealed 'the tip of the iceberg' only. Copy cats are ready to put pen to paper with their own takes on my designs. I know that ... it happened to a great degree last year. So copy cats if you are going to follow me ... then hold on to your hats this year ... for you it will be a bumpy ride. Woe betide you though if you bring your false ego and your 'pretend spiritualism' with you. Where I tread this year is really no place for any plastic psychics ... I can tell you that!

This year is going to be similar in many ways to 2012 I feel ... the transformative energies will bring the worst out in the plastic psychics for sure. Those not ready to be their true selves ... those not able to be honest to themselves ... will flounder badly in the mud flats this year. The universe has prepared a coded pathway through the labyrinth this year. It is a year consistent with assimilating the base codes of the 'spiritual DNA' into the human DNA structure ... to assist in the creation of the true self expression here on earth. Tampering with the spiritual DNA can be a hazardous thing ... the inept or plastic psychic with insufficient understanding of this process WILL go mentally insane. Negative emotions will be expressed in their worst form ... it is NOT a process for five minute wonders to attempt. There is NO information on the world wide web that can be found which is deemed a 'beginners guide to re-wiring your human DNA by assimilating access codes from your spiritual DNA' ... it does not exist. This process is only divulged by the universal consciousness at an ascribed time ... when the soul is ready for a software update to implemented by the entrusted lower self ... the process is hazardous and beset with much torment and trauma ... I understand. It is the first stage in the change over from our 3rd dimensional state to the dimensional states we once lived on during the Golden Age. Our human DNA contains numerous 'alien codes' which are active within our DNA. Which require password access codes - much like computer servers. Within these codes are thought streams and different states of awareness. The plastic psychics will not even be aware of the existence of these codes ... armchair skeptics will deem me mad saying this ... and THEY will also deny the codes existence by way of their 'scientific puppets'. But just know they are there ... and they can be accessed ... and by assimilating parts of those codes metaphysically into the human DNA stream ... changes can be implemented into the human mind and awareness ...

For me this will be what 2013 onwards will represent ... the hot wiring of human DNA to get human awareness back to where it should be after all the deliberate and systematic tampering undertaken by THEY over the centuries --- MJ 14.1.13