Further Reading

Monday, 7 January 2013

Is your headache caused by electro-smog?

S.O.T.T Most of us are too busy to notice. We have texting to do, and constant important information to exchange. But something invisible could be harming us. 

More people are experiencing headaches, tinnitus, brain fog, ear pressures, sleep disorders, neurological symptoms, cardiac, and cancer risks, plus more. There are even mysterious hums that people hear.  

According to accepted scientific principles, our bodies first communicate bio-electrically, and then bio-chemically. Dr. Becker (researcher in electromagnetic emissions) noted that exposure to any abnormal electromagnetic field produces a stress response. These artificially-induced stress responses can be likened to an assault on our immune system, similar to a chemical exposure. According to Dr. Klinghardt, MD, PhD, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is 'the health crisis of our time'. He noted that in a research study mothers who gave birth to autistic children slept in a location where microwave radiation was 20.7 times higher than mothers who gave birth to non-autistic children. Coincidence? Certainly there are many contributing factors in the pathogenesis of autism, but manmade electromagnetic emissions must be figured into the equation.

 The expanding network of cell towers is staggering. Modern 'energy' efficient appliances designed for smart grid, and smart meters pose new potential toxic risks. Imagine a 'internet of things' where each appliance, computer, etc., in your house is connected to each other, and then, to your neighbors. This creates constant electromagnetic communication, nicknamed: 'electro-smog'. Then think of all those signals feeding into collectors. Think about the forced chronic exposure of wireless radiation on your body continuously 24/7 coming from everywhere. No escape. Experts believe there is no problem as the signals are like cell phones...read more>>>...