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Wednesday, 9 January 2013
The Brain and the Mind
Llewellyn Worldwide: Most people think of the brain and the mind as being one and the same thing. Doctors, scientists and other highly trained persons share this belief. People from all walks of life use the words “brain” and “mind” interchangeably. In reality, they are two separate and distinct creations. The brain is a biochemical organ – a part of the human body. The mind, on the other hand, is a psychic organ that is attached to the human soul. Both the soul and the mind are connected to the Creator and the heavenly realms. As human beings you are dual in nature, possessing both a physical body and a psychic body. Within the physical body are physical organs and glands. The psychic body – which is contained within the physical form – has its own set of psychic organs. In other words, a person possesses a physical heart as well as a psychic heart. This is the same situation in regards to the brain and the mind, the brain being the physical organ and the mind being the psychic one. The mind, a part of the human soul, has a profound influence upon the brain, the nervous system, the body, and all organs and glands. It is the mind that gives all of you the sense of cognition and a sense of beingness. The physical and the psychic are linked so closely together that one does not function without the other. The physical organs and the psychic organs work together in a harmonious relationship. There is a Divine Intelligence from above that orchestrates all of this. This intelligence is part of the Creator or God source. On a physical level, the human brain consists of four principal parts: the brain stem, diencephalons (consisting of the thalamus and hypothalamus), cerebrum, and cerebellum. Although all four are important, we’ll be discussing the cerebrum. Found in the upper area directly beneath the top of the skull, the cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. The surface area of the cerebrum is known as the cerebral cortex or neo-cortex. Billions of neurons are contained in the neo-cortex. On an evolutionary scale, this is the most recently evolved or developed area of the human brain...read more>>>...