Further Reading

Sunday 27 January 2013

Who’s a Druid and Who Isn’t One: Is Every Presence a Blessing?

Druidry.org: Druidry is a quest. It’s a call to the instincts, intelligence and communication skills of people who call themselves Druids. It’s a post-modern trend to be self-analytical, and post-modern propositions can be helpful in illuminating the mindscape – indeed, deconstructing current models, ‘unpacking’ key ideas, and analysing their implications and the various kinds of spin we put on them, conscious or not, is a major process in the discourse as it manifests on message boards, lists and chat and in talking stick groups around the world. Druidry is a part of the vast array of new possibilities that came to light during the blaring announcement of the New Age, and naturally, many popular New Age ideas cast exciting new lights on the question of Druidry. Druids are rational, yet new respect for the intuitive, the psychic, and the imaginative processes of the human personality gives the rational ‘realist’ in us all pause. Perhaps there is magic. Perhaps there are parallel universes, interactive archetypes, devas and gods. The traditions and traces of traditions, the texts, folk-lore and archaeological evidence, though problematical and their significance hotly debated by academics and Pagans alike, are not slight or irrelevant, and must be accounted for as well, in a traditional academic way as well as in a feeling, intuitive, New-Age way. This looks like an academic exercise, but it’s Druidry we’re doing, and we need to understand what sort of mentality answers the Druid call in order to understand and assess the legitimacy of the many positions we find within Druidry...read more>>>...