Further Reading

Monday 18 February 2013

Artificial Intelligence: Garbage In, Garbage Out

War Is Crime: I’ve been forcing myself to read gushing statements about the march of artificial intelligence (AI) and how, in the near future, we will have “the source code of the brain,” and computers will be able to do whatever the brain can do, except much, much faster. I’ve been reading about the day when we humans will somehow merge with the machines. I think the technocrats who promote these notions were raised on comic books, and they haven’t really moved on from that phase. What ever happened to the old phrase, “garbage in equals garbage out”? Was it too telling and real? Take the idea that some day, tiny nanobots will patrol the body making adjustments and normalizing errant functions. Forget for the moment all the damage these little scouts could cause. Just focus on the quality of the information by which they would make moment-to-moment decisions...read more>>>...