Further Reading

Sunday 17 February 2013

Rule Ten - The Present Age and the Future

1. The soul is the form-building principle, producing attraction and cohesion.
2. This soul is an aspect or type of energy, distinguished from that of matter itself.
3. The atom has been recognized as an energy unit, but as yet the energy which sweeps atoms into aggregates which we call organisms and forms has not been isolated. This the mystics in the scientific world will sense and work to demonstrate during the next generation. It is this type of energy, the energy of the form-building aspect of manifestation which is the source of all magical work; and it is this energy in the various kingdoms of nature that produces form, shape, species, kind, type and the differentiations which mark and distinguish the myriad forms through which life itself manifests. It is the quality of the energy which produces the quantity of forms; it is the light which causes the emergence into consciousness of the race of heterogeneous shapes which aggregates of atoms can assume.
4. This type of energy which produces the shapes and forms and coherent organisms in all the kingdoms of nature is not the life principle. The life principle will remain undiscovered and unrecognized until such time as the soul or qualifying principle, the builder of the forms is studied, recognized and in its turn investigated.
5. This is only possible as man steps forth into a fuller conscious possession of his divine heritage, and working as a soul and in control of his mechanism (physical, emotional, and mental) can work consciously en rapport with the soul in all forms.