Further Reading

Thursday 7 February 2013

UK Government Plans to Track ALL Web Use: MI5 to Install 'Black Box' Spy Devices to Monitor British Internet Traffic

Daily Mail: UK spy agencies want to install 'black box' surveillance devices across the country's communications networks to monitor internet use, it emerged today. A report by an influential committee of MPs tells how spooks are keen to implement a nationwide surveillance regime aimed at logging nearly everything Britons do and say online. The spy network will rely on a technology known as Deep Packet Inspection to log data from communications ranging from online services like Facebook and Twitter, Skype calls with family members and visits to pornographic websites. But civil liberties and privacy campaigners have reacted with outrage, saying that the technology will give the government a greater surveillance capability than has ever been seen. The report by Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee, published on Tuesday, gives UK intelligence agencies' perspective on the government's draft Communications Data Bill, which is intended to update surveillance powers...read more>>>...