Further Reading

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Feet In Both Worlds - 'How Did It All Start For You?'

I’ve often been asked ‘how did it all start for you? When was the defining moment in your life with regard to your spiritual path?’ It is answer I can give fairly easily, as I can actually recall that moment; though I didn’t realise it at the time! The event in question occurred back in the 1980's when I was very much ‘one of the lads’ ... my interests were firmly on cars, rock bands, real ale etc and certainly not focussed on spiritual development ...!

It was a Tuesday night in Blackpool, Lancashire, UK. I made my first visit to The New Age & Psychic Centre on Princes Parade close by to the Grand Metropole Hotel. I’d been invited along by a mutual friend who’d imparted those immortal words ‘you have psychic ability’ a few days earlier, then had spoken to me about Paula Paradaema who ran the Psychic Centre. Tuesday night was a show night, which meant there was always a demonstration medium on stage. I chose this particular night to venture into a different world to my own. A world which would very soon become my own too! But I did not know that when I first arrived. I had no idea what was going to unfold later that night when I ordered a pint from the club’s bar. I still had no idea when I sat rather nervously at the back of the room, beside Paula’s husband Vinny who was at the door, dealing with the tickets and admissions.

My life changed about 20 minutes into the show. It changed when Paula drew the audience’s attention to me at the back of the room, and gesticulated for me to join her and the guest medium on the stage! I felt like a rabbit caught in headlights. I had no chance to turn and run out of the exit doors ... instead I made my way up onto the stage with shaking legs and dry mouth. I felt totally out of place when all eyes of the audience were on me.

Paula introduced the young Medium on stage as Yvette and explained to me how ‘psychometry’ worked. I was spellbound as she pointed to a tray of people’s jewellery which lay on a table in front of me. Paula explained what I was to do ... ‘choose an item of jewellery, hold it in your hand and then describe what you see or feel’.

Who? Me? I’ve never done this sort of thing before!

The rest of the evening is, as they say, history ... I recall ‘saying something’ which related to three items of jewellery. Having never had any formal training as to the how, or the why, I blew my own socks off that I was able to get anything!

Each owner of the items of jewellery were then asked to stand up and explain if they could understand anything I had said to them. I was slightly bewildered when each person in turn nodded their heads and explain the accuracy of what I had said to them.

I was still in a state of bewilderment when people from the audience were milling around me after the evening, letting me know just how accurate I had been ... members of the development group, who in the coming years would become close friends, introduced themselves to me. It was then Paula dropped her first bombshell. The first of many I hasten to add ... ‘I was told to watch out for Matthew about 12 months ago. I knew you’d come, and I knew you’d be able to do what you just did’ ....


Extract taken from ‘Feet In Both Worlds’ written by Matthew James - Copyright (All Rights Reserved) Matthew James Jan 2013