Further Reading

Sunday 17 March 2013

Hard Sell In The Psychic Industry Part 3 - "Get Your Accomplice To Obtain Personal Life Details"

Imagine the scene if you will ... you are waiting to have a reading with a 'psychic medium' you haven't seen before. She is apparently preparing for your reading. You are spending some time with her associate, discussing personal matters relating to your life. You are holding the conversation in all innocence. Naive. Unsuspecting.

Her associate then leaves you and proceeds to see if the psychic medium is ready to undertake your reading. Ten minutes later her associate informs you that its time for your reading. You are still naive and unsuspecting that anything untoward is going on.

You then proceed to meet the psychic medium who then begins your reading. You are taken aback then by her 'accuracy' ... as she apparently 'tunes' into to all your life situations. All your problems are discussed and you are stunned by how incredible a reader she is.

You are so enchanted that you forget that you had been discussing all your personal matters with her associate about 20 minutes before hand. It never crosses your mind that a fraudulent act has taken place.

It is only weeks later when you are discussing your reading with some sceptical, and critical friends that you realise the hustle which has taken place ... of course she will have been accurate ... she had been told all your personal details by her associate who had innocently cracked up a conversation with you, and had gotten you to reveal your personal details to her. For her to pass them on to the psychic medium ... so she could appear to have tuned into your life.

This is a true story!

This really goes on everyone. And this is not an isolated incident. There is a duo who operate in this way, here in NSW, Australia, and there are likely to be many others. It is a true scam that needs to be exposed and the perpetrators forced to re-imburse all they have cheated by operating in this way. It is money being gained by deceit and by deception ... and it needs to be stopped. The psychic industry has a bad enough name as it is ... without these sales persons practising their calculated scams.