Further Reading

Sunday 31 March 2013

Latest Mars 'Release'

Here is a current Mars photograph taken by the latest multi-billion dollar probe that has landed on the planet. As you can see it shows the 'usual' nothingness landscape ... sand and rock and sky. It is a featureless landscape ... a rather pointless exercise, seemingly. Yet, here is a conspiracy theory take ... it appears as if they KNOW there is more interesting sites and sounds elsewhere on the planet; let's face it they have all the satellite imagery created for Google Mars ... the TRUE original imagery, not the tampered version Joe Public sees; so basically they KNOW where to land these probes so they don't reveal anything ... or anything too 'revealing'.

It's a little like an intelligent race landing on Planet Earth ... discovering there is life on Earth ... but beaming back images from the Sahara Desert to fool their people's Earth is uninhabited ... I'm almost certain that is what is taking place. Provide the world media with the same old, same old boring landscape photos to keep up the bullshit 'no life on Mars' deception.

YET, if they are being entirely honest, they have plenty of more interesting landscapes to explore ... which would herald more interesting viewings by the probes. But then ... it would reveal too much about the true nature of the planet. And also of the truth about Mars. Take for example the image on the right ... which was obtained via Google Mars. Wonder what colour probe photos would reveal here?