Further Reading

Saturday 27 April 2013

2013 - A Scary World

From a personal perspective 2013 is the world gone crazy! Everything appears to be going out of proportion. Time seems to be racing towards some kind of crazy needle's eye. Agendas seem to be put onto to the fastest speed ... and the year is advancing along at a phenomenal pace.

My own observations extend to what lies around me at this time. Relevant things. Relevant for me is the mystic environment. It is chaotic bedlam at this time. I cannot recall it as crazy as it is right now. 'Psychics' are popping up out of the woodwork on a daily basis. False ego is running amok and crazy people are claiming the responsibility of human souls with work they are not at all experienced enough to undertake. It is a ridiculous time at the moment. Crazy and insane.

Elsewhere in the world there seems to be masses of sheep and zombies totally oblivious to what is truly taking place at this time. 2013 is meant to be the year when you walk in your own truth ... at this time for so many it is a enchanted sojourn through manufactured delusions ... it is a worry! And it is only getting worse. And I can only comprehend it is going to get a whole lot worse this year. 2013 is a scary year!

Right now it feels we are standing in a collective maelstrom ... a whirlpool of energy comprising intense push and pull. It feels like those of us who are now awakened are attempting to break free from the collective malaise ... and those still captured in the manufactured reality bullshit are refusing to listen to the truth. They are being pulled deeper and deeper into the dark cesspit that 'the possessed elite' are leading them into. 2013 is the year of the push and pull. A crazy year ... the divide between light and dark apparent now in the mind space. The collective being pulled apart.

The remainder of 2013 is due to get worse as the darkness descends still further and the collective mankind is subjected to more manufactured fear and terror; as the possessed ones move in for a massive feed. Those awakened look on in horror ... ego and delusion are our adversaries as the darkness tries to prevent us from lifting our vibration higher and higher ... away from the frequencies the possessed create and use to control the minds of man.

2013 is madness personified, sadly. It is the stark light of truth now for so many ... who grip tightly the manufactured reality they take to be life ... and are fearful of anything that reveals that their faith and their perceptions have indeed been lies. They are the fearful rabbits in the headlights ... who refuse to accept that their entire life has been a lie. This reality is not what it appears ... and as the frequencies lift they find it hard to cope with the push and pull taking place in their sub-conscious. Something must give ... 2013 is the year that so many will find it impossible to cope - Matthew James