Further Reading

Wednesday 3 April 2013

A Progressive Adjustment

We have to be extremely vigilant at this time. All is not what it seems with our perspective. Our concept and view of reality is being adjusted. Changed. Affected. Our understanding of what is our reality is being tested. Our visual perception is being warped. Pulled in one direction to convince us nothing has changed ... that it is still the same. Yet, within us, undermining this 'glamour of normality' is the true perception. It has changed. Yes, most certainly. But the change is very subtle. If you are too lost in a 12 hour working day and mortgage fears ... you will not witness the overlap.

If you are existing in the NOW perspective with observant mind awakened ... you will know exactly what is being spoken of here. Some crafty agency is trying to keep up the pretense that this earthly matrix is still the same. When in reality ... the metaphysical framework, that determines this reality, has been hot wired and changed into something more in tune with a truth in our favour.

These adjustments will happen gradually ... this is the thing. Minds accustomed to certain believe systems and a certain reality cannot be expected to cope with a sudden CHANGE in belief system or reality. You can't take one belief system away and leave a mind with no alternative. You cannot take one state of reality away too suddenly and present another too soon. THEREFORE, the adjustments are being made progressively ... physical forms are readily feeling the effects of these adjustments.

And those who fear these truthful changes are SCARED. They thus submit mankind to serious distractions and serious darkness. As a way of fooling mankind into pathways away from the offered hand of universal connection ... back into the hellhole of continued darkness and slavery. No wonder we are being bombarded  24/7 with chemical poisons and technological invasions ... they know they have lost the battle for control of the metaphysical reality.

Those who originally hacked into our holographic reality ... and created the drastic decline in our spiritual evolvement FOR THEIR OWN SELFISH GAINS ... have most certainly been apprehended and their control severely hampered. Those master programmers who now undo the damage caused by these pirates ... appear to have chosen a progressive adjustment to permit mortal minds to grow accustomed to the phasing back into where this reality should be. A sudden change would wreak chaos and confusion ...

Be warned, however, the darkness is most certainly here ... the dawn light is not so far away now ... but those we call 'the elite' are not going to give up without a fight. Be warned their agents are far and wide stepping up the attempts to control by divide and rule. They are most certainly working within belief systems to try to exert control with their mastery of illusion and mind control. They will be compelling with their words and their systems ... endure ... technology may well be established and being employed the strengthen their stance ... but its power will not be sustained. There is a concerted madness afoot ... and a stronger than ever insistence to CONFORM to the servitude of the darkness. More and more sweetness is being added to their toxic candies. More and more vigilance is required to prevent yourself being snared by a mind controlling belief system that will hold you in dark thralldom ... blind to the true adjustment taking place.

The progressive journey back to true selves is upon us. Those who are their true selves already wander through the mire ... they see and they seek the signs ... and endure the negative toxins cast at them by those who see them as a threat. Know you too may well hear your true self speaking to you ... and it too will explain what is written here ... for this is a universal broadcast ... that explains the strange phenomenon almost all of you are feeling in your lives right now. It is strange. It is uncertainty. It is discomfort within your mind and your body. It is adjustment and fear. It is joy and then sorrow. It is much like being shaken and stirred ... or spun around until you feel dizzy then being made to walk straight ... this is the progressive change upon you .... 3/4/13 Matt James