Further Reading

Friday 12 April 2013

Hard Sell In The Psychic Industry Part 8 "Facebook Spying and Other Unethical Techniques"

If you've been following us from the start of this insightful article, then you know we are dealing with unscrupulous and potentially psychopathic individuals who are peddling their unethical wares in the psychic industry. Individuals who sadly pray on the vulnerable and the needy who turn to the psychic industry for guidance and clarity. These hard sell merchants are what I call 'plastic psychics' who make great claims to being 'mediumistic for so and so  years' or 'were made aware of their psychic gifts after a near fatal car accident' ... they cruelly deceive the gullible with their fake concerns and their spray on spirituality. These same hard sell merchants care not about the reputation of the psychic industry, and fellow psychics, just so long as they 'can make a living' in the industry. They do this in anyway that they can.

We've already made you aware of some of the shoddy techniques they use in 'gathering their information' ... with which to 'impress' their clients and to also con their way into a place in the psychic industry with their self proclaimed cries of 'busy professional practice' as their shop front signboard ...

We need to make you aware of a more worrying technique that a number of the charlatans use ... and it is a worry. We need to say two words - FACEBOOK SPYING... and you will get a sense of what the technique is about ....

The hard sell merchants ... some of them straight out of a successful career in the selling industry ... bring their hard sell techniques into an industry that does not suit their persistence and impersonal approach.

IF a person wants a reading, they will go to someone when THEY choose and not because you are constantly tempting them with your 'special offers' and 'undercut price offers'. A constant reminder is the 'say it enough times and they will submit' ... plus people will go to WHO they want without being bombarded with your professional looking face and sweet words all the time.

Neither is the Psychic Industry the place where you set up the MEETING PLACE SCAM ... they advertise a 'psychic evening for like minds' ... and target their selected audience (Or send to all and sundry on your Facebook friend's list. We will come to this point shortly) ... and convince them that the meeting is for empowerment and for meeting up with like minded souls. When they turn up they are already falling into your trap. On the surface the hard sell merchant appears charming and genuine ... which is to hide the hidden agenda. The 'like minds' are nothing more than flies which have been enticed onto a well disguised web by a deadly spider. The 'flies' are then introduced to the networking techniques of the hard sell merchant who sees the 'flies' as little more than 'money providers' ... the flies unaware of the devious selling techniques practised by the charlatan.

The Charlatan may advertise themselves as a 'Psychic Teacher' .... which implies numerous years of experience and knowledge in the subject field. But even this is a sham ... even this is a plastic title. Ask yourself how can a Charlatan, who is fresh out of the Selling Industry, suddenly be the all knowing teacher? How can this charlatan be genuine when this very same Charlatan was known to be asking for 'Mediumship Tuition' from a working medium ??? This cannot be right.

Now to the most worrying technique by far ... the Facebook Spying. It is a devious and unethical technique that is being used by the Hard Sell Merchants. Its all about these unethical individuals gaining the trust of people on Facebook ... joining up all and sundry on Facebook as friends by whatever means they can .... so they have a DATABASE of people to advertise their wares too ... it is a database from which they tout their trade. Once they have enticed the unknowing into a private reading with them ... they then study everything about their Facebook 'friend' ... they trawl the person's page and gather information before a reading ... so when the person arrives before them for a private consultation, the plastic psychic apparently is very accurate with their information relating to that person's life ... it is a SCAM. The charlatan is performing a fraudulent act ...

The Facebook Spying technique has many implications ... and emphasizes the depth of deception the hard seller will sink to in order to ply their trade. To the unwary, these merchants are charming, enlightened and full of 'love and light' ... that's only because they are clever at creating 'the right impression'. IT IS PART OF THEIR SELLING TRAINING. It is an illusion they mesmerise the unwary with. Always look behind the image. Always ask those 'uncomfortable' questions to any psychic you suspect is plastic!!!

They know all the ways and means to make a sale ... and this is sadly what they have brought to the psychic industry. They enchant and they mesmerise people to see that they want them to see ... not what is really there. It is all hard selling techniques ... and is a hard sell approach ... it takes away freewill ... and it is the 'botox filler' approach to the field ... 'it is a feel good factor' and nothing more. Then, when the charlatan cannot get any actual information, the reading will lead into past lives ... information that cannot be substantiated but can be fabricated very easily.

The charlatans also use the Facebook Spying routine to steal from fellow psychics ... ideas, clients ... using the technique to defamate and undermine the public standing of others. The charlatan has the brain wiring of the classic psychopath ... having no conscience or concern. Caring not of the consequences of their actions.

The Charlatans are ruining the psychic industry with their hard sell techniques, based on the 'taring you with the same brush' opinion of the general public. If a naive soul from the general public has their fingers burnt by one of these embezzlers ... then they are likely to warn people against going for psychic readings ... they will consider it a fact that all psychics are the same. They will consider that we are all Hard Sell Merchants with little or no actual ability.

That is NOT the case. There are many, many genuine psychics out there ... who never FORCE their opinion or products onto anyone. The genuine psychics firmly believe that a person should come to you by their own freewill ... the person will be drawn to you ... you don't have to impose yourself on them ...