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Further Reading
Sunday, 7 April 2013
"Luminous poltergeist" filmed by terrified witness
A French man is convinced he's captured a spirit on camera after the phantom woke him from a nightmare. Just before 6:00AM on Thursday, Georges Lurk was awoken from a nightmare to the sounds of Steven Spielberg's Poltergeist playing on the television. After waking from his dream while violently shaking, Lurk had a feeling that something was wrong, and left his friend's home to shake off the fear and grab a breath of fresh air. That's when he saw a poltergeist that didn't belong to Spielberg. "I was frightened and I recorded the sound of the animals to keep a souvenir from that night," he wrote on YouTube. "When I recorded, I saw movement on the screen, so I looked at it. The light was almost vanished. I waited, eyes lock on the screen, craving to see more activity. I thought nothing more happened, so I stop recording. But when I saw the video again I noticed a second luminous spectre."