Further Reading

Sunday 7 April 2013

The Central Sun

"The central sun. The star around which this solar system revolves. A fact. A truth that can be proven tough I be not here to prove, I merely be here to report. The orbit takes around 20,000 human years. The latest orbit began the time of darkness; the period when the power of Belial took hold. Though Belial be not the cause, Belial merely be a manifestation of the darkness on the entity now known as man. At the end of this orbit comes the time of light again; a period of 20,000 human years of enlightenment and unconditional love; universal consciousness and unity. The time of light fast approaches. In human terms, ye hast only to wait another 25 years. The end of the last cycle of light passing into the time of darkness; the darkness which still be upon ye, saw the fall of Atlan and the creation of all the false religions which control ye so much. 

What some human misfits call The New Age; The Age Of Aquarius be now at hand. This name be yet another way of separating mankind from the truth. Mortal names be so dangerous a thing. They be like a tag, weaponry to use to control fellow man by fellow man...."

Extract taken from 'The Chronicles Of Ezra' written by Matthew James - Copyright 1996