Further Reading

Saturday 6 April 2013

The fascinating ways meditation transforms your brain - and why it makes you feel better

S.O.T.T: Scientists have peered in the brains of people who meditate, and have found some happy surprises. Meditation yields a surprising number of health benefits, including stress reduction, improved attention, better memory, and even increased creativity and feelings of compassion. But how can something as simple as focusing on a single object produce such dramatic results? Here's what the growing body of scientific evidence is telling us about meditation and how it can change the way our brains function.  Before we get started it's worth doing a quick review of what is actually meant by meditation. The practice can take on many different forms, but the one technique that appears most beneficial, and which also happens to be among the most traditional, is called mindfulness meditation, or focused attention. By mindfulness, practitioners are asked to focus their thoughts on one thought and one thought alone. An overarching goal is to be firmly affixed to the present moment. This typically means concentrating on the breath - observing each inhalation and exhalation - and without consideration to other thoughts. When a "stray" thought arises, the practitioner must be quick to recognize it, and then turn back to the focus of their attention. And it doesn't just have to be the breath; any single thought, like a mantra, will do...read more>>>...