Further Reading

Friday 26 April 2013

The Review Of A Lifetime

The human perspective is rather strange. A bold statement I know, but it is true. We are brought into a world controlled by time - the past, the present and the future - yet the only perspective we actually exist in is the NOW. It is the only viewpoint that exists in our awareness. As soon as a thought has passed your mind - it becomes the past. We plan and anticipate events - the come into the now and then are gone into the past. History. What has gone before in moments. Fleeting moments that we all experience.

But, are we truly the participator in our reality? Or are we merely the observer? What appears before our eyes has been inbred in us as REALITY ... as human existence. As LIVING. But what if it isn't??? What if our stand point IS the observer ... and we are merely watching life as some kind of interactive movie? We may appear to be taking part in our life minute by minute ... as monitored by the logical and ritualistic left hand brain. But when you click into the 'laid back' nature of the right hand brain ... life is witnessed from a totally different perspective. Life becomes something that is observed.

You still feel you are taking part, but a separate part of YOU is there as an observer. You are still connected to the decisions you make and the experiences you are having ... but a seemingly different perspective kicks in ... and that is of an observer who is watching events AFTER they have taken place. An observer that exists outside of human time ... an observer seemingly beyond the past, the present and the future. A part of self that is aware of all three lanes in the highway simultaneously.

As the observer you have the distinct feeling that the life you are somehow connected to ... has already taken place ... and like the person who's seen the movie before, the observer is anticipating the juicy bits and the interesting bits. It is anticipating those key moments ...

To the majority they are totally connected and linked into their reality and will not see this observation perspective. They will tend to disagree with this observation. But to those who live out their daily lives with their right brain dominant ... they will know EXACTLY what is being spoken of here. There are clearly two different points of reference; two different perspectives.

As The Participator life appears different to The Observer. At birth it is clear we are all The Observer; but through the 'education treadmill' The Observer is somehow disconnected from our awareness and we all become The Participator. We are disconnected from that other aspect of self, totally unaware of its existence. Through careful self examination and self discovery, we discover the patient and stress free Observer. Once reconnected to that aspect of self, our 'lives' are never the same again. We discover just what mortal life really is, and realise the truth of 'the review of a lifetime' ... Matthew James 26th April 2013