Further Reading

Monday 13 May 2013

Fire Letter Realisation

Fire Letter Apparition by Matthew James 
On the evening of Sunday 25th February 2007  (Click on the link) I experienced one of the most phenomenal 'supernatural' experiences of this life. It was completely overwhelming and completely unexpected. There had been no warning or pre-knowledge of the event. 

Moments after I'd closed my eyes, in readiness for sleep, I became aware of a moving apparition in my mind's eye. It was tiny at first, but as I watched the image, it began to grow bigger and bigger in size. I perceived it was moving towards me from somewhere. 

I could see that the apparition was a pattern formed from one or more Hebrew letters. The letters where clearly purple in colour. The letters were surrounded by purple flames. 

Then when I perceived the image was directly in front of me I felt, I actually felt, the image enter my mind/consciousness via my pineal/pituitary gland (What we term The Third Eye). From that moment I became totally overwhelmed by the apparition. It had intense heat. Intense energy. Intense power. It completely overshadowed my awareness. For those precious moments it had entered my consciousness, my entire being was filled with the energy and fire of the fire letter apparition.

Then as quickly as it arrived, it was gone. I felt energised by the visitation but also saddened by the disconnection from the energy. I felt no fear. I KNEW in that instance that my understanding since a child, of external forces & life beyond the human vibration, had been confirmed. It was a deliberate act by something EXTERNAL to me. This had not been a figment of my own imagination. It was something intense and something very significant. 

It was many months later that I obtained my own copy of The Keys Of Enoch. This had not been planned. Up until that point I did not even know the book existed. We'd ventured to Taupo on the North Island Of New Zealand, and had visited a favourite New Age Shop of ours there. I had merely been rummaging through a pile of books in an area of the shop, and chanced upon this strange looking white book. The look of sheer shock on the shop keeper's face indicated something of significance had taken place. He'd only purchased the book the day before and knew it was for someone. That someone was obviously me.

It was weeks later that I came upon the first notions of the Fire Letters. Reading the texts closer I made the startling discovery that I'd been attuned by one of these Fire Letters! But there was more to it than that. I was inadvertently linked to the author and the collection of the Fire Letters when I was a little over 2 years old! His account of his astral travels at the start of the book paralleled my own journey that had befallen me when I was around 3 years of age. Somehow that profound memory had been imprinted in my memory.

Researching the Keys Of Enoch further I came upon the following passage: "This process of reception is begun by the projection of a brightly coloured Yod form of Light upon the face of the subject so as to trigger the necessary chemical combinations which activate the mind to receive the ideographs of communication" . This was exactly what it had been with me - a projection of brightly coloured light upon my face'.

And also: "The letters of the Living Light must first be seeded into the sub-conscious during sleep." How many other of the fire letters have been projected to me during sleep? This is my first and last conscious awareness of one.

Then I found the most profound reference to the Fire Letters of all. These was indeed a coding that coincided with the PURPLE letter I'd seen. Blue and red when combined become the colour purple: "The Brotherhood use the Sacred Fire Letters I-EE to code a BLUE-RED embodiment". From this I began to comprehend the profound effect this fire letter was going to have on me. Basically my DNA-RNA, which is crystalline and can transmit/receive light energy, had been reprogrammed. My DNA had been altered by some eternal source to the an I-EE embodiment. Communications are transmitted on a two-way basis through light. Our primary light being that of the sun. 

A further reference explains the Embodiment as: "The Brotherhoods of Light activate the sacred fire letters by projecting a burning YOD from their channel of consciousness in the higher realms to a given human circulatory system. 

The colour of the Yod dispatched opens up a fifth circulatory system of light in the body which allows all chakras to share the same pulse of transfigured light so that even the lower chakras are transformed by the higher light." 

My entire perception HAS been changed. I'd been challenged to notice any different re-alignments or anything significant since my own personal Sacred Fire Letter Embodiment. I've scoured the internet and not found any reference to this experience, or to anyone else who'd had the same experience. Something had seemingly singled me out to receive this embodiment which was so clearly described in the Keys Of Enoch.

It was only recently that I began to understand what has taken place. I look towards the strength of communications I receive on a daily basis, and realise, it is as a result of this embodiment that I can communicate with other vibrations at such a difficult time. My DNA-RNA has been hot wired to apparently counteract any of the distractions or distortions that are active at this time. I know also I am not the only one who has experienced this embodiment. Effectively, the vibration of my physical body has been increased, which has made me more aware of the dimensions around me. This is a significant milestone in my life. Indeed ... I do feel and see more than I did before. It's taken me until today to process this Sacred Fire Letter Embodiment. Only now can I begin to make real sense of the how and the why. Indeed, I can now look at the Keys Of Enoch with a greater understanding. It has been written in a way that it can only be truly understood once a mind has been subjected to a Fire Letter Embodiment (Or two or three).

One other thing is clear. Since this embodiment, my awareness of falseness and illusion are that much stronger.  Further reference to pages of The Keys Of Enoch explain the intention to improve the communications between worlds and levels of awareness via minds embodied by the Sacred Fire Letters. There is also a reference to something that I term 'The Art Of Knowing' which is one of my own spiritual principles: "this divine language is also the inductive linkage to the still small voice within the body which advises you on the read day-to-day decisions in the world so that your consciousness will not err in executing the will of the higher vibrations"© Copyright Matthew James 13th May 2013 (Except excerpts from The Keys Of Enoch by J.J.Hurtak.)