Further Reading

Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Way of the Prophet – Meditation in the Ecstatic Kabbalah

Suite 101: Perhaps the most important practice of the Kabbalah and certainly the practice by which the Ecstatic Kabbalists are defined is meditation. According to the Ecstatic Kabbalists, meditation was the method used by the ancients to attain prophetic union, which, as Maimonides explained, was a consequence of Divine favour bestowed upon the individual who had perfected himself, or herself, in his mental, imaginative and moral faculties. As can be gleaned from the writings of the Ecstatic Kabbalists, whether explicitly or implicitly, the Prophetic Path is divided into the following stages:

1. Mindfulness;
2. Concentration;
3. Quiescence;
4. Introversion;
5. Silence;
6. Divine Inspiration;