Further Reading

Saturday 11 May 2013

Why Do You Seek Freedom?

Waking Times: There are an endless number of things to want in this world. Desires are endless because when one desire is satisfied soon another rises to take its place, continuing the cycle of wanting. Human life is usually characterized by movement (desire) either towards some object whether that object be money, power, relationship, enlightenment, sex, pleasure or whatever or away from something we don’t want. Desire can be seen as movement of mind energy building up to a point of climax when the object of desire is obtained and pleasure is felt (or we are rid of something). We tend to seek one object after another ceaselessly trying to get back to a state of pleasure, relief or fulfillment. Yet no one can maintain states of pleasure even spiritual feelings of bliss and peace seem to come and go. At some point one begins to see this never ending cycle of wanting for what it is. This allows the question to arise – What is lasting in this world? Is lasting peace and fulfillment possible? Sri Ramana Maharshi said that the objects of desire do not really give us any pleasure it just seems that way. He said that desires build up stirring the mind and when we obtain the desired object what we call pleasure is really a sense of relief at the dissipation of the intense desire energy. We attribute that sense of relief to the object of desire and call it pleasure. However he also points out that when the energy of desire is temporarily dissipated we actually are closer to the heart of our being and feel some of the natural fulfillment of our true nature. The true source of pleasure then is really being close to our true nature or stillness which desire tends to obscure...read more>>>...