Further Reading

Wednesday 12 June 2013

A Beach Meditation

Spend a few moments to get yourself sitting comfortably. Now, close your eyes ... let any stray thoughts of the day, and its mundane concerns, drift by ... until you reach a state where there are little or no thoughts in your mind to distract you from the journey ahead.

Now, focus all your attention on your breathing and your heart beat. Take several deep breaths, hold them in and exhale slowly. Do this three or four times until you feel an adjusted or altered state of consciousness coming in. At this point your mind may become invaded by a flurry of unconscious images ... ignore them. Concentrate on your breathing until you feel yourself drifting into a sleep like state ...

Now, focus your mind on a beach ... any imagery of a beach will do at this point. It can be a favourite beach ... but it has to be a sandy beach. See the golden sands stretching out in front of you. Become aware of the beach at this point and really build the imagery telling your awareness you are really there. Note the cloudless sky above you and the warm sun's rays on your face and arms.

Focus now on your feet ... they are bare ... the warmth and texture of the sand is felt from your feet. The sand is warm and comforting. Really build this comforting image. Then become aware you are walking across the sand leaving footprints. Your footprints retaining water as you head towards the water's edge. Turn your attention to the sea now ... it is some distance away from you. See the crashing break waters as you approach the water's edge. Stand there and really take in the scene.

Become aware of the surroundings and be fully aware of your participation in this journey ... it is not an image in your mind ... it is real ... and a projection. Feel your feet on the sand. Feel the sun on your arms and face. Become aware of the rest of your body at this time. Take note you will still be yourself as you know yourself in the mundane world. Just know these moments are precious ... and this journey is a refreshing time out... from the mad world we live in ....

Let the scene fade now ... feel safe in the knowledge you know you can return to this beach at any time you wish. Know the beach is the starting point from which many inner journeys begin. Know that you will be returning to this beach very soon ... next time to partake in a journey which will take you deeper into this inner landscape. A landscape which is in truth more real than the mundane world we call reality ...

Let it fade now ... you are back in your comfortable chair. Spend a moment to recap on the experience before slowly opening your eyes ....

The Beach Meditation by Matthew James ...extract taken from Creative Visualisation Journeys devised and used by Matthew James during Creative Visualisation Therapy Sessions