Further Reading

Monday 5 August 2013

Clarifying the Meaning of Universal Oneness

Waking Times: Our original state of oneness is not something we can know, it is something we are. Attempting to know the timeless oneness is like the blade of a knife attempting to cut itself. Our true and original self belies all attempts at description; it is beyond words. It is the self-shining presence awareness that pervades, transcends and underlies all forms. The singular unity of creation is an ancient proposition that has been orally transmitted for at least 6,000 years and has existed in written form since approximately 1,500 B.C.E. My personal awareness of universal unity began with a profound experience at age thirteen that left me with no doubt that everything in existence shares a common origin and all of us are, at our essence, identical. The definitive word in the previous sentence is “essence.” Though each of us perceives a multiplicity of different individual human beings and forms, we all are in reality, one being...read more>>>...