Further Reading

Thursday 1 August 2013

'Tyranny In The Outside World'

Because we were separated from ‘the outside world’ it was impossible to tell what the Sons of Belial was broadcasting to the masses within the Atlan society. But what was a certainty in those difficult years … we were not being painted in a good light. We would be a rebel force … terrorists … a force threatening the status quo of their tyranny. We knew very well that their ‘contrived’ broadcasts would be censored … and the truth would not have been spoken of within the Atlan masses.

A few of us risked their lives to witness what kind of world existed outside the safety of the ancient temple. Their minds projected out into Atlan …

Our elders would rarely tell us exactly what those brave souls had seen. However, there were hints and snippets in lectures and in general conversations. It wasn’t sounding good. There was violence and war. There were killings and pollutants. There was mind control technology being exercised on the populace. There was opposition yes … but each rebellion was branded as anti-government … and was dealt with by way of deadly force.

Such was the determination of Belial to instil separation within the populace of Atlan. And as such, the golden age came to a grinding halt. It came as no surprise that it was all attributed to the planetoid that was coming into orbit around our world … the invasive terrorism was at hand and it was the marker at the start of the Age of Darkness … an age that would see us exiled from our home. An age when Belial would systematically implant false memories of history in our minds, in our folklore, in our beliefs, and in out history …

In the modern day, as Ezra, I note with disdain the cynicism and the scepticism that exists regarding the subject of Atlantis. The power of Belial seems all consuming as Atlantis is written in books as mere fable …

COPYRIGHT MATTHEW JAMES 1992 - Extract taken from The Chronicles Of Ezra