Further Reading

Thursday 12 September 2013

A Word On 'The Holofractofraphic Universal Field Theory'

Axiomatica: Everything in the observed universe is made up of energy, even matter which are bits of vibrating energy. 

Even in quantum theory it is being postulated that there is a field of electro-magnetic energy that encompasses everything in our known universe. The most recent term given to this field of energy is the zero-point field because it is believed to be the lowest state of a field. All energy is vibration and all vibration is sound. It is not a stretch to postulate that the field of energy that encompasses everything in the universe is sound waves at a frequency inaudible to the human ear. Studies pioneered by Dr. Hans Jenny has demonstrated that substances such as sands, fluids and powders, oscillated at different vibrations/sounds produced stunning fractal geometric patterns. The higher the frequency the more complex these patterns became. He called this cymatics. 

 Fractals are complex geometric patterns exhibiting self-similarity in that small details of its structure viewed at any scale repeat elements of the overall pattern. It is than not a stretch to hypothesize that this field of energy that encompasses the whole universe is fractal in nature. Fractals can divide into itself into infinity and expand into infinity making the zero-point field an inadequate term to describe this field because it implies that it is the lowest state of energy when in fact this energy is multidimensional in resolution representing an infinite amount of energy in the vacuum of space.

Fractals are found everywhere in nature and in the known universe. Ferns, trees, broccoli, flowers clouds, mountain ranges, galaxies, all display fractal repetitious patterns. Virus, mould and bacterial aggregate colonies spontaneously assume Fractal Shapes. Snowflakes are another example of fractal geometric patterns found in nature. Crystalline structures form fractal like shapes- the list goes on and on.

In physics a new hypothesis is emerging regarding the nature of black holes and the nature of the universe. This theory is called the Holofractographic Universal Field Theory. However In this theory a black hole is not just a vortex that sucks up energy at its event horizon but it spews out an equal amout of energy, maintaining an equilibrium. In this theory it is suggested that the universe is made of different scales of black holes from the universal size to atomic size...read more>>>...