Further Reading

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Intuitive Numerology - 'The 2013 Brick Wall'

Is 2013 proving to be a real stumbling block? Are you coming against a brick wall? Is your 'true self' coming into direct confrontation with 'the false self' ... resulting in numerous conflicts in your physical life?

It could be that you are experiencing the 2013 brick wall ... using Intuitive Numerology I see the 1-2-3 pattern in people's Numerology charts as an indication that 2013 is a very analytical year - a year for the 'false personas' to flourish. A year that the false ego can go marching on, whilst the true self sits battered and bruised due to conflicts and confrontations with the false personas in all walks of life. 

This confrontation appears to dampen the forward motion of the overtly 'right hand brainers' out there, yet those of the other extreme, who are tuned into their false egos appear to be able to go marching on. Indeed we have seen a higher percentage of ego strutting this year than in any of the previous years ... 2013 being the third year in the trilogy of false ego years. Next year - 2014 - should see an improvement in the war between the left brain and the right brain. The false self is in direct opposition to the truth ... the bubbling realisations that all is not what it seems to be in life. The false self is in denial that the established perception of life has changed. It is attempting to deny the true self from taking a hold of the personality. Inwardly and outwardly there have been tensions this year ... and it affects each and every one of us in some way or the other ... Matthew James