Further Reading

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Move Over, Round-up: USDA Approves 2nd Generation GMOs That Can Withstand Even Deadlier Herbicide

The USDA has just approved a new generation of GMOs for use with more deadly herbicides than the toxic glyphosate that currently taints farms across America. You won’t hear about this on the mainstream though – it was all done very quietly in the hopes that no one would notice. Bayer has developed a soybean that can withstand applications of the toxin isoxaflutole (IFT). That’s right – they KNOW that it causes cancer and they created a plant with which they can use it anyway.  A plant that is meant to feed us or feed our livestock.  They’re going to douse the fields with it and allow it to leach into groundwater and contaminate soil. The EPA knows this....read more>>>...