Further Reading

Wednesday 11 September 2013

The 14 Tablets of Enki

The tablets are the account of Enki, an Annunaki, from a planet called Nibiru. He was the first born son of Anu, the king of the planet Nibiru. Nibiru is supposed to circle the sun every 3,600 earth years. Enki claims in these tablets to have come to Earth to mine gold for their home planet Nibiru. The gold was needed to repair their planets atmosphere. They needed mine workers so Enki created humans on Earth in their image.

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea....The first Adams and Eves were a "blacked headed people" and were sterile. Instead of a single Adam and Eve implied in the bible, there were 7 pairs of them. They were sterile, but this sterility problem was solved in later versions of Adams and Eves. The Anunnaki appear to believe in evolution of their own species although there is reference to a "creator of all". In the tablet discussions on creating a primitive worker (Adam and Eve), a "father of all beginnings" is mentioned as the sole creator of life. Despite this belief in a supreme being, their apparent belief in evolution could explain why, despite their advance technology and knowledge, they seem to be surprisingly unstable civilization emotionally and morally.

Incest, rape and rivalries appear to be common. The Annunaki seem to have no limits to their emotional self destruction. To the point of using what appears to be atomic weapons against each other, including their own family members. It is somewhat disheartening to read what is on these tablets. The worst part is we seem to be just like them in many ways. Or more correctly stated, the shadow controllers and leaders of our current world appear to be like them in attitude and personal disposition. There is one thing I noticed toward the end of the Enki series of tablets, the high leaders in command and influence seemed to be moving from their thrones and positions of power and into the background while still having control. This reminds me of the New World Order controllers of today that rule from the shadows. Just as importantly, the Anunnaki controllers were as self destructive as our NWO controllers are today. Both groups do not see the coming end result of their actions.

The poor judgment and decisions of the kings and leaders is amazing. It is hard to imagine a people with such technology are so hindered by their lack of understanding of their own emotions, desires, decisions and the consequences that will inevitably result. Any child could see the trouble they make for themselves and how it must end. They seem to be without any religion for moral guidance, instead relying on savants...read more>>>...