Further Reading

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Mediumship & The Effect Of Client High Expectations

Mediumship connections to 'the other side' are like a very finite and delicate fibre at the best of times. They rely on the concentration and confidence of the Medium. As a Medium there is an incredible responsibility on your shoulders to get the connection right. To provide the correct information to your client and ensure you totally validate the person you are ' bringing through' from the other side. From personal experience, most connections have been correctly validated, giving comfort and relief to my clients. 

However, there has been one instance lately where the connection was hampered by a client's high expectations and urgency to hear from his recently departed loved one. He had a preconceived idea of what was going to be said, and was seeking absolute personal details from a soul who had only passed in the last couple of months. 

This put untold pressure on me as the Medium. Not only had I to make a connection with a newly deceased soul, but I also needed to provide absolute proof to satisfy my client's requirements. This is usually a no-no type of reading. 

Yes, I was able to connect with his loved one, confirmed what she passed from. I was able to verify the relationship between the two of them, with some personal details. However, my client went away feeling disappointed as it had not been the dynamic and powerful connection he was seeking. Without that high expectation on his part, I may well have reached the personal information he was seeking. 

It may well have been too soon to talk to the deceased soul. His expectations undoubtedly contributed to additional pressure on my shoulders. I wasn't personally disappointed for in truth I had made the connection and I did bring her through. I just hope next time he seeks to connect, he clears his mind of what he expects and values what does come through. ---- Matthew James