Further Reading

Monday 10 March 2014

'Hidden Intentions?'

Nothing shall ever be the same again
The mirror glass was shattered by a spell of atrocity
Demons haunt the land now
Children of light to avoid the darkness at all cost
Poison barbs shall puncture their flesh

And when the bell is silenced the storm shall cross the desert

The end of a chapter shall come to pass
And the book of verses will be burnt
Children Of The Light find another story
Amid the destruction another orb is found
Another brother to keep our distant cousins company

And when the smoke clears from the river the reaper reveals his face

Daggers and swords unearthed in a mighty chasm
Defying age; defying convention
The Children Of Light slain for the truth
As the demons laugh and the needy demand
There will be no choice but accept the gaolers keys

And when the tunnel walls collapse who is to blame

Aliens be damned; this kingdom is ours
Revolt at thy peril and face an ancient force
The mirror may be broken now but the focus remains
Body piled on body buried out of sight
One religion dies when another is unearthed

And as the loudest voices debate down comes another in a storm

It will ne’er be over
Without fail the locusts will purge the land
Power will dwindle
as the mountain erupts with fury
Children Of The Light remain hidden at your peril!

Written by 12 September 2001