Further Reading

Tuesday 29 April 2014

MH370: Evidence of False Flag

Veterans Today: On March 26, 2014, investigative journalist Chris Bollyn broke what has probably been the most important story to date on the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 (MH370). With the befuddled and clueless mainstream media (MSM) parroting what the government was telling them and some theorizing anything from black holes to alien abduction, Bollyn reported that there was a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 identical to MH370 which had been stored in a hangar in Tel Aviv since November 2013.

For those knowledgeable of Israel’s long history of false flag attacks, the implications of such a long shot “coincidence” were alarming and frightening.

Despite weak, questionable, and conflicting evidence, the general consensus in the MSM is that MH370 appears to have followed a primarily southerly route and crashed somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean (over 1000 km SW of Perth, Australia) after running out of fuel. This theory is primarily based on the alleged satellite data of a British satellite telecommunications company named Inmarsat. There are significant questions about the reliability of Inmarsat’s findings, not the least of which is that no other satellite data has confirmed them and that the company has extensive military contracts. No evidence from any source has been found to confirm Inmarsat’s findings.

The investigation into MH370’s disappearance has been filled with incompetence, cover-ups, and disinformation. The scope of this paper is not to rebut the loads of questionable and conflicting evidence, but to show that the evidence suggests that the plane was probably flown to a strategic US naval and satellite communication facility in the central Indian Ocean. On a small island named Diego Garcia, 450 miles from the Maldives, there is a US naval base with a runway that can accommodate jumbo jets. There is nothing else on Diego Garcia except for the US Navy base and its satellite communications facility...read more>>>...