Further Reading

Monday 12 May 2014

Aliens, Egos & Souls: Who Are We in the Big Picture?

Waking Times: What can be truly called ‘real’? In fact, we live in a world of illusion where nothing we see, hear, or feel is true. Our experiences are totally deformed by our three ego-governed bodies: 1) The mental body with its false belief systems and distorted thoughts; 2) The vital (astral, emotional) body with its desires, yearnings, passions, and lusts; 3) The physical body with its animal needs and atavistic[1] habits. Nowadays, the new item on the long list of abductee complaints is soul abduction. After being taken from bed to an underground lab or a spaceship, a ‘victim’ is put on a table and plugged to a special black box. With the use of advanced technologies and rituals, a reptilian entity – called a demon by those with a more religious mindset – is inserted into them. In the pre-technological days, this would have been called demonic possession. The scenarios can be more elaborate still. What some people call a human ‘soul’ can be pulled out of a body and transferred to one of the following: 1) A look-alike clone with super-human abilities; 2) Another human; 3) A human-alien hybrid (hubrid); 4) An alien. The possibilities are endless. In some New Age circles, temporarily-possessed individuals have been presented in a positive light and fashionably called channelers. Even more mystically glamourous are walk-ins, who are actually fully-possessed humans...read more>>>...