Further Reading

Saturday 10 May 2014

More Chemtrails Over Canberra

We had a perfect blue sky autumnal day here in Canberra yesterday, it was a great day to feel alive ... that was until I spotted the familiar chemtrail patterns appearing across the sky.

A perfect example is illustrated in the digital image on the left. You can clearly see the chemtrail plumes which go from the near top right to the bottom left of the image. The pattern of chemtrails are always the same ...

What we have in the same image is the cloud like formations which an earlier chemtrail creates ... in most of the image. Contained in this dispersing mass are numerous toxic constituents. The reason for chemtrails is perfectly described by Rense.com in this extract from their web site:

"We are dealing with Star Wars. It involves the combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with "steady state" and particle density for plasma beam propagation. They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by "zapping" the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air. More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. What are they ultimately trying to do up there -- is create charged-particle, plasma beam weapons. Chemtrails are the medium - GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply: Chemtrails are the medium -- directed energy is the method." ... read more>>>...