Further Reading

Thursday 8 May 2014

Nibiru and the Faerie Race

Nibiru capture ... copyright Matthew James 2003
Nibiru has undertaken the crossing on its way out back to outer space. I witnessed its closest orbit to the sun back in 2003 and 2004. I captured Nibiru has a huge greenish planet with numerous moons. Next time Nibiru returns with be in around 15,000 years. 

Our solar system used to be a binary star system with all planets orbiting both suns in a figure of eight pattern. Saturn appears to be burnt out sun, and due to the saturnism worship it must have been our other sun at sometime.

Indeed, many of the ancient worships involved two orbs which have been taken to be the sun and the moon. But I think not. I believe the worship was of the light and of the dark; of Saturn (Darkness) and of the Sun (Light) ... the yin and the yang symbol I believe to originate from this heavenly configuration.

The Reptilean races on Nibiru once habitated our world, Earth. It is their world not ours, in truth. Earth was once inhabited by dark skinned races due to its orbit around the sun. White skinned races began on Mars ... Mars was originally in an orbit close to where the Earth now orbits. We were brought here as a slave race to serve the reptileans.

We were also genetically modified and our DNA spliced with the DNA of other races from across the universe. This would explain the 'missing link'.

There is so much more we don't know about our ancient history ....

The Reptilean races are the Faerie, the Sidhe reported in folklore. They have always been here. They live below ground because our Sun is the wrong vibration for them. When the Earth had its time in orbit around the other sun (Saturn) it was their vibration and it was when they walked the surface of the Earth plane.

There is an ancient agreement ... a pact ... that certain races of The Reptilean race could hunt mankind, much like we hunt Deer or Foxes. The ancient pact was made that a certain percentage of human kind would be culled for them. As horrific as it sounds ... when you study the percentage of missing persons around the world ... it is approx 2% of the population that goes missing in each and every country. Its staggering to think this can be possible ... but 2% of the world's population appears to go missing each year.

The Faerie are real ..

© Matthew James 2014