Further Reading

Friday 27 June 2014

A Word on 'Protection'

One way to protect yourself in this reality is to avoid developing any ‘spiritual’ or any ‘Shamanic’ skills. It does not actually protect you but at least it does not attract entities to you as greatly as if you do practice.

Entities are most attracted to people with power.

If you do choose to practice, learn all you can about the Inner Worlds. Always travel with your spirit animal who will guide you and defend you from entities. Your spirit animal walks with all 3 of your bodies and by being aware of its presence you will sense well being or fear even in your daily life and you should respond appropriately.
But the best protection whether you practice Shamanism or not is knowledge. Knowledge plus intent plus emotional control equals the power of a shaman.

A Shaman is a warrior, a hunter. He is on his highest alert, fully prepared, moving deliberately with his intention held firmly in place in the forefront of his mind. He is ready for anything, being emotionally centered although feeling the excitement of the hunt and the anticipation of the successful outcome. No one could sneak up on a good hunter. It is he who is doing the stalking. The hunter knows his skills, has practiced a long time, and knows where to look for the game he needs. A hunter has heightened his senses so he can smell the wind and see in low light. He knows a bear can attack him or wolf at anytime so he does his very best every minute. To do less may mean his death.

He knows there is no one there to help him and he knows that he himself can do it best anyway. He would not be a hunter if he wanted someone else to do it.

You too are a hunter here on this planet. You chose to come here, to have this experience so you could gather the one thing that you can take with you when you leave - spiritual energy. To be successful you must develop your skills impeccably.

You have all the abilities that you need to gather great spiritual power here. It is your task to gain the knowledge about your skills and how to use them. Skills given to you by other than your own means are just borrowed from entities who take more of you than they give to you and are not worth the cost.

A Shaman walks this dimension in pure peace and joy using his physical body to communicate and maintain a physical presence with emotional power using his Higher or Master Self as his sail and rudder. The constant small voice of the Master Self (intent) and his second body self used to work, to create and to destroy, to attract and to repel whatever he intends with its knowledge of the Inner Worlds. (Source ...)