Further Reading

Wednesday 25 June 2014

More Martian Artefacts

Some more interesting images from Planet Mars, obtained from Google Mars around 3 years ago. The area where these images were copied from is now heavily pixellated and blurred. WHY? Why has NASA or some agency put an area of Mars OFF LIMITS to the general public if there is nothing on Mars like they claim? Clearly these images show artefacts and grass! Grass needs air and moisture to grow ... or at least it does on Earth, maybe the process is a little different on Mars. I don't know ... but what I DO know is that the truth about Mars is being kept from us ... 

There is a clear artefact in the central area of this image. It is not east to determine but at a guess there appears to be a fuselage and perhaps a wing ... so this could be a plane? It is most certaintly SOMETHING. The colours are a little off on this image but there is clearly grass in the image

I don't know what we are looking at here ... but there are humanoid figures and light sources in this image. Plus there is the hint of some opening or entrance point to underground ... Interesting image

This image is LIQUID GOLD. It is a genuine image obtained from Google Mars and 'adjusted' ... you can clearly see GRASS as well as clear ARTEFACTS ... which appear to be wreckage of sorts. Perhaps part of the craft spotted in the top image? This image is quite simply sensational ... in this one image we have PROOF of water and atmosphere since the grass in the image needs both to survive. Interesting what the white lines on in the image ... ice? Snow? Maybe not as they appear to be of a temporary nature as you look at the lines which are faded on the right hand side of the image