Further Reading

Monday 9 June 2014

Our Phone Obsession Is Turning Us Into Zombies

Alternet: You see them staggering down our streets, heads bowed as if in prayer making the occasional grunting noise. Mindless drooling de-animated human husks walking blindly into fountains, crosswalks and lamp posts. Wake up People. We are in the middle of a science fiction movie here. Welcome to the Invasion of the Phone Zombies.

Yes, the Zombie Apocalypse has materialized and we are it. Everywhere you look you find the deathlike trance- frozen faces of we necromantic slaves with twitching fingers. Spending endless empty hours mesmerized by our tiny screens. An entire society that can’t remember its own phone number, much less that of any significant other. Of course, compared to our magical phones, there are no significant others...read more>>>...

MJ Comment
I'm ever so lucky! I don't have a mobile phone. We have one yes, but I never carry it or rarely use it accept for client consultations (Even then I wear headphones). I am too sensitive and feel the WIFI signals that are transmitted and received by mobile phones. I am too sensitive and feel the impulses from WIFI towers and from wireless internet modems. I see the zombies grow in our streets ... I see them walk across busy roads oblivious to traffic. I see them wandering the aisles of supermarkets walking straight into other shoppers. They even walk right into me in streets ... they look like the undead! It is a worrying trait yes.