Further Reading

Wednesday 30 July 2014

A Personal View On 'The Etheric Body'

Anyone familiar with the term 'the etheric body'? It is just one of the 'vehicles' which exist around our physical body, but at a higher vibrational frequency to our physical body. It is a perfect replica of our physical body and also our emotional body. It is a carbon copy of everything you experience on the earth plane. 

When we depart the physical plane and enter the 'spirit world' we do so in our Etheric Body. Each vibration requires a vehicle or body for consciousness to exist in. Thus, this etheric body can only be perceived as a body of light by our limited five senses. When we see souls depart the physical body we see them in a light form. In truth this light form is identical to our physical bodies but at a higher vibration. 

It is in this etheric body that we enter the realms of the spirit world. The spirit world being a dimension on a vibration higher than our own. In this body we will experience everything we did on the earth plane. The reality of this realm of the spirit world being very similar to that of the earth plane, except the vibrational state of the etheric body permits the soul to move to higher levels once physical ailments and mental states have been lifted or realised. This is the stage I refer to as The Nursing Bay. In these early stages there is a definite overlap between the earth plane and the spirit plane. Souls who have just passed from the earth plane, may still live out a physical existence due to the recordings on the etheric body. It is in these stages or states that mediums and sensitives are able to pick up on the conditions of loved ones in the spirit world. 

Beyond the etheric body there are further vehicles which permit the soul to journey higher and higher into the spirit world vibrations. 

I had a personal experience of the etheric body during my hospital stay in late 2013/early 2014, On numerous occasions I was in my body but not in my body. I found myself roaming the lower vibrations of the spirit world in a body identical to my physical body, except I was no longer in pain. During these expeditions I learnt so much about the spirit world, our connection to that world, and how we interact with their world - Matthew James