Further Reading

Tuesday 8 July 2014

The Basic Structure Of The Tarot Deck

There are 78 total cards in a standard tarot deck. These cards are divided in the following way: 4 sets (called 'suits') of 14 cards each = 56 cards (the 'minor arcana').

The names of these suits have varied from pack to pack over time but generally suits adhere to some form of the following designations---Wands (or Rods), Cups, Swords, Pentacles (or Disks).

Each suit has ten numbered cards, Ace through Ten, plus four 'court cards' [note: the term 'court card' possibly comes from a corruption of 'coat card', 'coat' having once been used to refer to something, such as one's apparel, which would distinguish one's class or profession]. The court cards go by various naming conventions but: King-Queen-Knight-Page is a fairly standard description. One notices that this sequence is identical to that encountered in the 52-card pack of normal playing cards (the 'Page' being the 'Jack'), with the addition of the 'Knight' in tarot.

Another common scheme, one popularized by the Aleister Crowley 'Book of Thoth' deck is; Knight-Queen-Prince-Princess. The difference between these approaches points to one of the myriad ideological disputes about names and 'meanings' that characterize so much of modern tarot. In addition to these 56 'small' cards there are; 22 cards of the 'major arcana', often referred to simply as 'majors', or 'trumps'. These cards depict various ideas and persons, the names of the cards are mostly rooted in Medieval or Renaissance religion and culture (particularly that of North Italy). The cards are numbered from 0-Fool, to 21-World (or Universe) as follows

0. Fool [the Fool will sometimes be found stuck between 20 & 21]
I. Magus (or Magician)
II. High Priestess
III. Empress
IV. Emperor
V. Hierophant
VI. Lovers
VII. Chariot
VIII. ??????????

And right there our peaceful little perusal of the trumps rolls right off the tracks. We should get used to this, it's going to happen a lot. The problem with 'VIII' is that no one can decide, with ultimate authority, what it's supposed to be. Some people say 'VIII' should be 'Strength' while others say 'Justice' (and thus these two cards are locked in a struggle over the number placements 'VIII' and 'XI'). At the same time, and to muddy things more, there is the whole problem introduced by Aleister Crowley, in his influential 'Thoth' deck, who exchanged the attributions (the correspondences between tarot trumps and paths on the kabbalistic Tree of Life) of IV-Emperor and XVII-Star. Most people, who are not strict adherents to Crowley's Thelemic system, have not followed nor concerned themselves much with the latter change, but many still fight over the VIII-XI controversy. Based on purely astrological considerations the better choice seems to be Strength in 'VIII' and Justice in 'XI'. But there's more to it than that---there almost always is in tarot. So, let's continue;

VIII. Strength (or Justice)---[note: also, in Thoth-influenced decks these cards will be titled 'Lust' or 'Adjustment' respectively.]
IX. Hermit
X. Wheel of Fortune
XI. Justice (or Strength) [again, in Thoth 'Justice' is called 'Adjustment'.]
XII. Hanged Man
XIII. Death
XIV. Temperance [In Thoth this is called 'Art', as in 'alchemical' arts]
XV. Devil
XVI. Tower
XVII. Star
XIX. Sun
XX. Judgment [As in the 'Last Judgment', in Thoth it is called 'Aeon']
XXI. World/or Universe .... read more ...