Further Reading

Tuesday 15 July 2014

'The Enchanter'

And of the madness,
It is sadly everywhere you look
And the corruption is creeping in
Infiltrating the minds, the souls
Changing the directions of those it enters
So nothing is ever the same again
And within they see no change
For the corrupter has them in a mesmeric spell
But to those on the outside
They see the changes so easily
But their voices are silenced
For the corrupted see not that reality
They see what the enchantment creates
So they are lost
Cast on a sea that leads them so far away

This reality lives tainted
The madness gathers its prey
Hapless servitors of that intention
An egredore of corruption
A sad reality we now see
So many are taken in by the enchanter
Believing the impossible things
Not applying reason or logic
Accepting the sweetmeal taste of hope
Taken in by falsehoods so easily

What hope then have we?
How can the healing of the lands be undertaken
When the visions sent by corruption
Are believed so readily?

What hope is there?
Is it lost ?
Or have we got the enchanter on the run?
For this reality is a confusing place
As the earth plane vibration lifts into that of the astral
And all those creations of imagination become so real
The magic of the ages alive
What can be done?
How can it be overcome?