Further Reading

Tuesday 1 July 2014

"The New Race"

Oh the controllers of the Elite. Those wicked lights down from the sky. They care not about the sheep. The masses they see only as fodder with which to create the large fields of energies they need. They farm the sheep as energy generators. They feast on the fear the moment before they die. As Ezra we have endured their tyranny, we have witnessed their soul-less plunders; we have experienced first hand their butchery time and time again.

With the assistance of more kindly beings who perpetually dedicate themselves to the new race – that of Homo Sapien man – who perpetually sacrifice their light and their consciousness to close the dark pits through which the controllers enter the realm … but such an undertaking most surely takes time. For even when the doorways are closed … the knowledge of opening them once more remains. The wisdom of such devilry remains etched in the genetics of the new race. So for times there are peace, but the shadow wakens and festers and then tempts. Until more priests dedicated to the wicked ones are able to remember and re-establish those gates once more.

Such a time is now. And a great swarm of darkness, like nothing ever before seen, is about to descend on planet earth. The new race will be powerless, for the hatred of the wicked ones, for them is so extreme. The new race’s genetics know only love … hate and darkness are strange emotions for them, even though their seeds contain the essence of those races to which those dark emotions are familiar … the genetics of the new race have been created to reject these dark seeds, in practice, but under the strain of constant dark bombardment some will succumb … and it is those few that succumbed who now are under the control of the wicked. They are the puppets through which this descending darkness has been orchestrated.

As Ezra we see from on the many levels … from the point of the new race, from the mid-heavens and from beyond. We feel the fear, we see the fear … and we have also seen to where it leads. Ultimately the gates will be closed once more as the puppets and the puppeteers leave this blasted world behind … good riddance we say to them. To those who remain we shall offer our guidance and our light … for most surely there will be that need.

Extract Taken from ‘The Chronicles Of Ezra’ by Matthew James