Further Reading

Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Psychic Colosseum

At a time when so many people are being personally challenged like never before, as 2014 proves to be a real arena of competition, I am happy to announce I am back much STRONGER than before.

I have discarded my black cloak of protection, have in my grasp the blazing sword of personal truth ... 

Currently 'the Psychic Colosseum' is full of the shouts of those with the newly acquired colours of the trainee mystic ... all parading their clean blades of power. Like matchstick flames they burn ... their lights barely penetrating the gloom ... their abilities barely impressing the cosmos. Their responsibilities light, however their minds see their skills, they are still slight. 

No words of advice or warning will ever be absorbed by their foolish minds. For it is they who are the experienced, despite having yet to fight within the Colosseum walls! 'Forgive them for the know not what they do' ... they have such a long way to go, yet they believe they have arrived at the destination.

Experienced mystics stand watching, their heads shaking in disbelief. For surely the trainees are aware they bear only plastic swords? The battle knowledge is slight, despite their claims. Their battle armour lined with wonderful colours and mesmeric words ... but they are not yet worthy or battle proven to be given the metal blades ...

They live in a dream world, and so sadly do so many who follow their lead! They know no different and refuse to be shown the truth. They are ignorant, foolish, selfish and also damned. In this current period (2012 - 2016) the universe is ridding itself of the chaff ... so the wheat has freedom to grow. Evolution has been stifled by the separate selfish ego. At this time those riddled with the virus are being harvested. They are filled with foolish derisions; a clever possession controls their minds ... they know not what they do. But a stronger force most surely has a hold on them ... 

But the experienced warrior is ridiculed by these trainee warriors. The experienced one is being selfish telling the trainee they are not yet ready to fight ... believe me trainees are now teaching fellow trainees and others that come their way. They have barely wandered the dusty trails yet they try to compete with the hardened campaigner! And there are so many taken in by their clever words ... believing their techniques are the best around! The level of attainment now so low and so dire ... the experienced campaigners repulsed by the way of the world ...

Feeling the weight of service when it all goes wrong. When damaged souls come their way to be repaired. For the trainees are dangerous. Their constant bleatings a pest like the drone of swarming flies. 

Patiently the experienced mystics unsheath their mighty blades ... without drawing attention to the deeds they perform. Their lights like beacons which light up the night sky ... connecting with the very stars. Practising the real thing ... silently .... until it becomes time that the attention is drawn away from the cumbersome movement of the plastic swords .. when the watching crowds notice the real lights and the real thing ... 

For the day shall come when the plastic swords are discarded and so many of the novice magicians find another trade to peddle, because the universe has REJECTED their attempts to be something they could be too soon. The damage may well be done before they cease their childish games. The experienced mystics await the day when the people see sense and realise the novices do not know what they do ... 

Matthew James