Further Reading

Tuesday 1 July 2014

What Do We Really Know About Crop Circles?

Fact -- We know from the scientific research that the genuine formations are formed by an energy which has the ability to alter the molecular structure of the plant without damaging it and the ability to alter the growth rate and pattern. This same energy has produced numerous photographic anomalies.

Fact -- There is a distortion in the earths electromagnetic field, sometimes a ghost image a short distance from the original formation.

Fact -- Spheres of light have been recorded on film in the formations, also military helicopters seen flying over these spheres apparently taking quite a keen interest in them.

Fact -- the energy involved appears to be benign and to my knowledge is not used on this planet.

Fact -- Some formations radiate a frequency at approximately 7.5hz in the electromagnetic spectrum but this can vary from formation to formation. It has been recorded by many researchers and the BBC Television whilst filming in a formation. Recently using the aid of a computer and a specialised programme, it was discovered that these beautiful creations of art in the fields are capable of producing the most unusual sounds and music.

Fact -- this same frequency has been picked up many times in close proximity to UFO sightings.

Fact -- Despite several ploughings after the crop has been harvested the shape of the formation has remained, in some cases, in the soil for at least six months. This can not be achieved by “crop formations” made by humans.

Fact -- in some of the formations, compasses rotate at will denoting a magnetic anomaly present, camcorders, cell phones and other battery run equipment have displayed a discharged battery state when this is not the case.

Fact -- crop outside of the formation does not display the same characteristics changes in cell structure as the crop found inside.

Fact -- there is no level of consistency, in some formations we have the sound factor, the magnetic anomalies, photographic anomalies and the lasting impressions in the soil but this is not to say you will find one or all of these in the next formation you visit but it can still turn out to be part of the genuine article.

Fact -- if no human being goes into a formation the crop will continue to grow and the farmer will not lose any crop, only possibly what the birds will eat by the downed seeds.

Fact -- farmers have combined the formations from their fields to avoid damage by the members of the public when they have occurred only to find another one appear a short distance away the following day.

Fact -- Each year a large number of formations are created by human beings causing untold criminal damage to crops and my sincere sympathy goes out to the landowners. I just wish more landowners would prosecute these criminal vandals