Further Reading

Friday 15 August 2014

Who Are The Anunnaki ?

Alt Headlines: The term Anunnaki is often used in ancient texts as referring to a group of gods. The name is a derivative of the names heaven and earth, Anu and Ki but is also translated by some as “those of royal blood” and also “princely offspring”. Some even believe the Anunnaki are sons and daughters of the gods, heaven and earth.

They are said to have created or come from the Mesopotamian culture. There are others who believe they are a form of extra-terrestrial beings (reptilian or serpent race) from outer space or sometimes more specifically from the planet Nibiru/Planet X that at one time lived on this planet or still do on another plane of existence. More on the details on this later in this article. The planet of Nibiru or Planet X, discussed in Zechariah Sitchin’s book about his translations of Sumerian mythological writings, is said to be the home planet of a race of beings called the Anunnaki. In Sitchin’s books, the Anunnaki are described as beings whose planet was dying, who came to earth in search of gold that could be used to save the atmosphere on Nibiru.

The Anunnaki, sometimes being described or depicted as reptilian, are said to have copulated with Earth females and genetically engineered mankind. It is also discussed that their intention was to create a slave race in us humans. Many ancient documents found throughout history in various cultures make mention of being born from serphant gods. These same documents have given rise to the ancient astronaut theories on how advanced structures were created around the world way beyond the technology that would have been available to the civilizations at the time...read more>>>...