Further Reading

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Glastonbury: The Ancient Isle Of Avalon Part 1

Of all the places in the world I have so far visited, the most powerful and most spiritual place is Glastonbury.

Caer Wydr, Glastonia (The Crystal City), The Isle Of Avalon to name but a few legendary names for this incredible place ...

In the coming weeks I will be focusing my attention on the legends, and the secrets, of this most powerful of places. Much of these insights will be based on my own personal experiences and teachings. So little of the truth about Glastonbury is written down. Many of the old writings regarding Avalon have been deliberately destroyed during 'The Dark Ages' ... I'm sure there are records still secretly stored in The Vatican library for example. But it they are now taken out of circulation.

I speak of revealing the LOST ORAL TRADITIONS OF AVALON. Many keepers of the Avalonian Lore are in incarnation on this planet at this time. However so few can recall who and what they were during the Golden Age. What we see now is an ancient PAGAN site claimed by The Christian Church. The ruined tower we see atop of Glastonbury Tor today is dedicated to St Michael ... it lies in ruins atop an ancient faerie magic mound. It is a hollow mound ... beneath the mound are the ruins of a fabled city - the city of glass ... one of the lost legends of Avalon. There was once a cavern entrance into the side of The Tor, but it has since been blocked up. In ancient times there was a direct passage to below the Tor.

We see The Tor surrounded by dry land today. It was once completely surrounded by a lake ... an as the ancient entrance to the underworld, an ancient feat of architecture ... it was known as THE ISLE OF AVALON. A powerful place inhabited by the true blood race. Pure descendants of Atlantis who bore the inherent gifts of prophecy and healing.

This is not myth, it is hidden knowledge. The Tor was built by a faerie race of great wisdom and knowledge. Don't think of the Faerie as the little beings with wings! We are talking of an ancient race who were probably the original inhabitants of Planer Earth. For the human race was likely to have been brought to this planet in ages past. and forced to accept it as home.

I will leave you at this point. I have so much to say about Glastonbury and its ancient powers. Be sure to watch out for the next article .... Matthew James