Further Reading

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Magical Journal - A Storm Approaches

30th September 2014

There is a bad storm on its way. I've been intuitively feeling it now for several weeks. Its almost overhead. I've been battening down the hatches, pulling in the ancient forces I associate with, for additional protection. The sense of foreboding is really strong. 

I began with cold like symptoms two weeks ago - for me the first signs of a psychic attack. An attack of a magnitude this time, that I feel it is going to be a contrived multiple attack. The approaching maelstrom feels immense. A shifting and swirling dark hole of chaotic venom. 

I know it approaches. Sleep patterns have been disturbed. The first whispers of the storm are very minor 'demons' but even they have an effect. They are the weakest foot soldiers of some immense entity's army. It has been summoned, and unleashed ... and it approaches now relentlessly ... slowly, arrogantly and menacingly. I have started countering the first touches of the negative depressive thought patterns by resuming the upgrade of my LIGHT OF TRUTH ORACLE CARDS ... keeping myself nice and positive. Brimming with positive and lightful thinking. But for how long?

There have been forces in recent weeks trying to disrupt my mystic arts. Attempting to prevent me from reading for clients ... the forces are weak like I say, but they have been effective on a number of occasions. The usual ease and comfort I gain during my sessions has been disrupted. And this is only the start of the onslaught. What is it going to be like when the full force of the demonic entity is unleashed on our minds?

I'm sure a number of you reading this journal entry will be feeling the same as me. The sense of foreboding is incredible. I just know something BIG has been let out of its cage and is on its way. Some gargantuan black ritual has been taking place, and will no doubt be reinforced in the coming weeks. The earth's own energy fields have been tweaked and primed by a very black force ... it has been prepared for centuries of negative rituals throughout the world. Now is THAT time when their grand plan of the ages has started. I just know it ... 

What approaches must not be feared. It requires fear to exist. It feeds off fear and hatred and all the other negative emotions. It will use its demonic horde to twist and distort thought processes - to fiddle with the human mind to believe perceptions of reality which are not really there at all.  The honorific demonic force is a master of mind control. We all must be prepared for trickery tomfoolery with our thoughts and our perceptions. It is not going to be easy to stay focused over the next few months. 

The challenge is immense ... Matthew James